Lilypie First Birthday Ticker

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, December 15, 2013


I made cocoa today. Nevin insisted it was coffee (wappee). He carried his cup around all day, drinking. He likes coffee, when he gets sips of Chrys' (decaf). And he wanted more of my wine when I let him lick a finger last night. This kid doesn't follow the rules. 

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Santa's train

Me: There's Santa. 
N: San-da
Me: There's his elf. 
N: (makes elephant noise and waves his hand in the air)
Me: Elf
N: El-pant
Me: Elf
N: (noise) El-pant
Chrys: Look at the nose. See? Short nose. Elf. 
N: Elp. 
Me: ...