Lilypie First Birthday Ticker

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, December 15, 2013


I made cocoa today. Nevin insisted it was coffee (wappee). He carried his cup around all day, drinking. He likes coffee, when he gets sips of Chrys' (decaf). And he wanted more of my wine when I let him lick a finger last night. This kid doesn't follow the rules. 

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Santa's train

Me: There's Santa. 
N: San-da
Me: There's his elf. 
N: (makes elephant noise and waves his hand in the air)
Me: Elf
N: El-pant
Me: Elf
N: (noise) El-pant
Chrys: Look at the nose. See? Short nose. Elf. 
N: Elp. 
Me: ...

Sunday, November 10, 2013


I have been horrible about recording teeth. You cut your first right at 6 months, I think. Two bottom. Four top. Two more bottom. 

Your second top was horrific. You came to me with a bloody mouth. Turned out you had ground your bottom teeth against the top gum hard enough to cut it  open and get the tooth to show. I have a hard time believing that was the most comfortable route, but you were noticeably happier once it was through. 

Tonight, you bit daddy. True to form, you've gotten your top canines before the bottom. Little points are showing on both sides. Six more, then we start waiting for you to lose them...

Friday, November 8, 2013


Nevin has this habit of climbing my bathroom drawers to get to the counter. Today, I was frustrated with him and suggested he get a stool from the bathroom down the hall. He left.

He comes back...after longer than I expected, but...he used the stool to get to all of the wonderful things on the counter. Eventually it was time to go downstairs and do other things so I went to put the stool away. I was so surprised when the stool down the hall was still there.

He had gotten the stool from downstairs bathroom and carried it up the stairs. That child will be the death of me.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday, November 4, 2013


You love to stuff your hand up my sleeve while you nurse. If I have long sleeves, you will contort your body until you can get your hand worked under the cuff and up to stroke my arm. 

You carry headphones around with you. If you find a pair, they are your lovey for the day. You carry the plug in one hand and the head piece in the other. You're getting pretty good about watching for the tail if you drop the plug - making sure it doesn't get caught in doors. You plug them into anything that makes noise - my phone, Ryanne's iPod, the laptop. You're a little frustrated that you can't find the hole on the radio, but it's usually temporary. 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Little things

You've taken to stuffing your hands up my long sleeves when you nurse. You rub my arm. It makes for awkward positions, but it's quite endearing. 

You are singing "twinkle, twinkle," but if I try to join in you yell at me to stop.

You sing "Mahna Mahna." You were doing it in the grocery store last week and made a girl's day. She couldn't believe it. Then she fawned all over you. "Doo do do Mahna Mahna" is really cute from a 21m old. You ate it up. 

You love hats. Last weekend, you made a "Loda" hat at the library. You are quite proud of it. 

Monday, September 9, 2013

Keep the beat

Today, Nevin was rocking with the toy guitar. He walks over to me, strumming away. He pauses and looks at me. He strums some more while watching me. He strums a few times, and looks at me really hard. He strums a couple of times and gets up in my face a bit.

Finally, I start singing. He goes back to happily strumming. Glad I figured that one out. 

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Sick baby

Nevin has been congested and not sleeping all that well. It's made him very cuddly during the day and much happier about being worn.

Today, he was hanging out with Chrys. Chrys wanted to do something so he tried to give him to me. "Nooooo" was the response. So Chrys went to get a carrier. "UP" was the excited response. He wore him around for a while. Chrys tried to put him down. "Nooooo...UP!"

So they wandered around with Nevin leaning back and trying to look over Chrys' shoulders to see what was going on. It took quite some time (and a good movie) to finally get Nevin to want to get down.

I am going to enjoy the cuddles, but I am looking forward to him being healthy again.

Monday, August 5, 2013


Today, Nevin decided that his Very Hungry Caterpillar stuffed animal was a Boppy. He carefully wrapped it around his waist and got settled. He nursed Annie and Winnie the Pooh. They both wanted "dasigh" (other side). I really can't argue. Once he put it on his waist, it looked convincingly like a toddler sized Boppy...

Monday, June 17, 2013


He put this on himself. Well, the bottoms anyway. He is irate that they won't stay up. 

Monday, May 20, 2013


Nevin has never slept more than 5 hours. Ever. That random night where you wake up in a panic because the baby slept. Never happened. 

He's a light eater. Doesn't eat much during the day. Doesn't nurse much during the day. Nurses every 2-3 hours all night long. 

Honestly, this doesn't bother me that much. He needs to eat. We have a rhythm. I sleep pretty well with him. We wake up, roll over, latch and I'm back out. 

Lately, he's been having a harder time going to sleep. If he naps after 10:30 in the morning, it takes him over an hour to get to sleep. In that time, he nurses and thrashes. He isn't fussy, but it isn't exactly fun. 

Today's nap was at 11:30. When he finished nursing and started to roll around on my lap tonight, I decided to try a different tactic. I put him down in his crib. He stood up and talked to me. He bounced. He fell over (which elicited his only tears of the evening). Eventually he settled down, laid down and fell asleep. I did some singing as he settled, but that was all he needed. 

We will see how it progresses. I don't know what I expect. I don't know what I anticipate. It's interesting, though.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Nevin absolutely must have a spoon to eat anything. Doesn't matter if it's edible with a spoon or if it needs a spoon. He has to have one. Usually he just holds on to it while he eats. If given food, he will walk to the drawer in the kitchen and stand there...waiting for a spoon.

Today, he's eating raisins. I'm pretty sure he would live on just raisins if I would let him. He can pick them out of anything (like today's blueberries). He will finish a bowl and demand more. He signs more and it means raisins. Loves raisins.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Nevin has learned to throw things away. This is a double edged sword because he's not all that selective about what gets thrown away. Sometimes I have to recover things - like my DS pen. Sometimes he's really helpful - like throwing away the trash from making boxes at the post office while I start paying. He's also sometimes decides he wants to play with something instead of throw it away so I can't give him anything really messy.

Tonight at dinner, he was throwing away trash for us. He threw away a bag. He came back for another bag. That one had something in it so it must be studied. He saw the cup the fries came in. He took that out, handed the trash off to his sister (who was helping him open the can) an walked to the drink machine. He wasn't all that happy when we took the cup back and threw it away...

Monday, March 11, 2013

Two words?

Yesterday, he said, "Gogo doh" while pointing at the door of our bedroom. Usually he says "gogo" or "doh" but not together. Chrys and I agreed that it was a fluke.

Then he was sitting on the toilet with me and said, "Mama dun" with his sign for done.

Maybe not a fluke. Two word sentences already?!? Maybe that big giant head has a purpose.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Gotta eat

He found a Duplo pitch fork and a random brick and started using them together. He bangs the pitchfork somewhere on the brick and then shoves it into someone's mouth. So far Corin and I have been fed. He seems very proud of himself.

Saturday, January 19, 2013


Nevin has taken to signing eat. All. The. Time.

He signs it when he wants to nurse (which is any time he can see my chest). He signs it in the kitchen. He signs it in the dining room. He signs it when daddy gets home (because dinner comes shortly after).

Fortunately, this followed a day where he walked into the kitchen, went to the lazy susan, got a packet of applesauce, walked to the dining room (waiting for me at the door) to get to his high chair, waited to be picked up, handed me the pouch to open, took it away when I tried to feed him with a spoon, and then proceeded to suck every ounce out of food from it.

You'd think we were starving him.