Lilypie First Birthday Ticker

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

My friends...

Nevin is in the bathroom.
“Please start brushing your teeth.”
“First I have to summon my friends who look like me. “
He has the cabinet open with the three mirrors pointed together so he can see dozens of himself. 

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Who says that?

"I used a towel to wipe up the contents of my bladder"
"You what now?"
"I used a towel to wipe up the contents of my bladder"
"Why did you need a towel to wipe up the contents of your bladder. They belong in the toilet."
"A little bit of pee leaked out of me right here so I used this towel (pointing at my hand towel) to clean it up."
"And then you put that towel in the hamper so I don't wipe your pee all over my clean hands or my face."
(Stares at me. Grabs the towel. Walks and watches me.) "I'm going to put this towel in the hamper so it can get washed."