Lilypie First Birthday Ticker

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, December 1, 2016

No more nunus

I think our breastfeeding journey may be at an end. It's been a couple of weeks since you came in and asked to nurse first thing in the morning. Even sick, you don't want it. I must confess some mixed emotions. I was beyond done with your siblings. With you, I had resigned myself to going as long as you wanted. I wondered if we would hit 5 years. Alas, it seems we will be a couple of months short. I confess, I will miss those snuggles. Thankfully, there are many, many other snuggles that you still desperately want so all is not over. Just this step.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Favorite cup

Today you found your "favorite" cup in the give away box. You asked if you could have it back and I said that you were really too big for it. You got teary, found your iPod, and took a picture with it so you could remember it. Then you put it back in the box. Such a big, sweet boy. 

Saturday, April 2, 2016


You can buckle your own car seat now. And unbuckle. This is life changing for me. 

You have this pair of glasses you got in a Wendy's kid's meal. You are fully committed to them. When you wear them and I ask you to take them off, you insist that you can't see and walk around squinting. 

You no longer say "fider"; it's now spider. I still occasionally get "eldebaytor," but you occasionally sneak in elevator. 

You're starting to write letters. You can muster a decent copy of your name with some help. The N sometimes has some extra humps. 

You have so much personality. You are funny, often even on purpose. You mimic nearly everything your brother does. You build Legos with me on a regular basis - right now we are focused on the little buildings. You are a delight. 

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

"The bestest birthday ever"

Or so you said as I tucked you in for bed. You got a giant t-Rex that is nearly as big as you are. Or you are nearly as big as it is. You can't decide. 

You asked for a snowman cake. I managed to do that pretty well. 

You got some new Legos and stuffed Star Wars droids. Life is pretty sweet when you're four. 

You told everyone you saw today that it was your birthday. Random people at Target were wishing you happy birthday.

We exchanged the dump truck from grandma at Target and you got a gift card that you insisted on using yourself to buy the other set. You were SO proud of being able to buy it by yourself.

You also coined the term "poopbrush". The Amazon box had new toothbrushes in it. You insisted that you didn't need a new poopbrush.

I can't believe you're four. 

Friday, January 1, 2016

Building shelves

We are deep cleaning kid bedrooms this week. We decided to get you some shelves for your toys. We assembled them yesterday. They needed a screwdriver and hammer. You said, "I'll be right back," and took off. When you came back to your room, you had your screwdriver and hammer from your tool bench. You were ready to go and SO proud of yourself. I felt a little bad having to go get the real ones from downstairs, but you took using real tools as a nice consolation.