Nevin was so ready for solids. You would think we had been starving him given the voracity with which he attacked his first spoonful of food.
I offered him the chance to suck on my banana a couple of weeks before his 6 month birthday. He managed to change the shape of the piece. A week later, I let him suck on a bit of avocado, but he didn't make much progress. On July 4th, we gave him some pureed apples and bananas and he sucked it down. He only ate about 1/4 of the jar before he was done, but he ate it quickly and eagerly. There is no tongue thrust reflex there. If he uses his tongue, it seems to be because he's done. He knows how to chew things around and swallow them.
At this point, he's sucked on peeled grapes, carrots, and blueberries. His favorite is still my banana. He actually nurses on it versus eating it, which I find kind of amusing. He definitely manages to eat some, though.
Since I can't stand solid poop diapers, I guess now is the time when I start wishing he was potty trained. Lucky for me, his poop cues are really obvious (like Ryanne's were) so I think I can make it to the toilet once he's sitting up a bit better.